Emily Williams is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High school. She is involved in Drama ... Learn More
Emily Williams
About Me
Emily Williams is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High school. She is involved in Drama, Cheer, Yearbook, Student Ambassadors, National Honor Society, and is a House leader. Emily also travels with the school's mission trips which is her favorite part about McGivney. Outside of school Emily enjoys spending time with family and friends. Emily applied for CEO to learn valuable life skills that she will use in the future.
About My Business
Emily Willimas the owner of Kathleen’s Kreations. Kathleen’s Kreations offers personalized throw pillows to add a special memory into your home. Each pillow is 100% customizable and handmade with love and care. The goal of Kathleen’s Kreations is to have a loveable memory on display in your home for years to come. For more information please follow Kathleen’s Kreations: on Instagram @kathleenskreations21, Facebook @Kathleens Kreations, or shoot Emily Williams an email at kathleenkreations@gamil.com. In the fall, Emily Williams will be attending Samford University, in Birmingham Alabama, to study nursing.
Emily Williams's DISC Profile
Decisive – your preference for problem solving and getting results
Interactive – your preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
Stability – your preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
Cautious – your preference for procedures, standards and protocols