Grace Deakos is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High School. Grace is involved in various ... Learn More

Grace Deakos
About Me
Grace Deakos is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High School. Grace is involved in various clubs and leadership positions at school including House Captain of Service, House Leader, Student Ambassador, and National Honor Society. She finds joy in volunteering and serving others. Some of her favorite volunteer opportunities include assistant coaching t-ball and soccer teams, tutoring, and helping lead Totus Tuus at church. Faith and family are of the upmost importance to Grace. She aspires to be an elementary school teacher. She joined CEO to develop intangible relationship skills, business knowledge, and an entrepreneurial mindset. She is beyond excited to explore the local business community!
About My Business
Grace Deakos is the owner and operator of honey♥♥♥, handmade affirmation cards. In a world where girls feel the pressure to fit in and, honey♥♥♥ encourages positivity from a girl to a girl. Remember, “Kind words are like honey - sweet for the soul and healthy for the body” (Proverbs 16: 23-24). For more information, follow @honey.girl.618 on all social media platforms. Next year, Grace plans to attend Ave Maria University to study elementary education.

Grace Deakos's DISC Profile
Decisive: preference for problem solving and getting results
Interactive: preference for interacting with others and showing emotion
Stability: preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
Cautious: preference for procedures, standards and protocols