Sabrina Ivnik

About Me

Sabrina Ivnik is a senior at Father McGivney Catholic High School. She has participated in volleyball and basketball throughout her high school career and has been on the varsity basketball team since her sophomore year. She is an excellent student and works hard in all her classes. Sabrina has taken on many leadership positions including being a House Leader, National Honors Society Committee Head, Prom Committee Head, and participant of a Liturgical Team. Outside of school she is a lifeguard and swim instructor at the Collinsville Maryville Troy YMCA. Outside of work Sabrina enjoys spending time with her family and friends, as well as reading, drawing, and baking. Her plans are to attend Marquette University and participate in their PharmD program to become a pharmacist and minor in Spanish. Sabrina joined the CEO program to build leadership skills; learn more about how to have an entrepreneurial mindset; and connect with others. She is so excited to participate in such an amazing program and can’t wait to see what the future holds.







DISC Characteristics

  • Decisive – preference for problem solving and getting results
  • Interactive – preference for interacting with others and emotion
  • Stability – preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
  • Cautious – preference for procedures, standards and protocols