Tristan Luehmann

About Me

Tristan Luehmann is a senior at Father Mcgivney Catholic High School. Tristan is the treasurer of the National Honors Society and enjoys participating in many clubs at school such as chess club and spanish club. Tristan plays varsity volleyball for his school. He is employed as a groundskeeper at Sunset Hills Golf course.  Tristan’s favorite hobby is flying. He is currently working to get his PPL(Private Pilots License) and has 6 of the 40 hours needed to get his License. His dream career path is to become an avionics mechanic and then become an airline pilot.  Tristan also loves to indulge in fishing. He loves to fish and has dreams of retiring and fishing for the rest of his life. Tristan is very excited to be in such a special and opportunistic program such as CEO and plans to use the skills he learns to better the world.







DISC Characteristics

  • Decisive – preference for problem solving and getting results
  • Interactive – preference for interacting with others and emotion
  • Stability – preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness
  • Cautious – preference for procedures, standards and protocols